This time last year the words ‘I’ve decided to take my blog full time’ burst out of my mouth.
Tonight, when I’m curled up in bed with my 12th cup of tea of the day, I’ll close the cover on the 16th book I’ve read this year and we’re still in April. I’m not bragging, I promise – I’m shocked. I never set out on…
I was late to the blogging game. It took years of filling up my confidence cup before I had anywhere near enough guts to hit publish on a blog post. Now my blog is the home of all my work and it’s even…
Do we ever really change? When I was in high school I was dedicated to my art folder, many of us were. Creating a collage on the cardboard insert of the oversized clear plastic folder that reflected who you…
The Christmas preparations can all be such a rush can’t they. You feel like you’ve got a million and one things to do and that list just keeps on growing. My Christmas has whittled down over the years and I’ve…
What if we’re not meant to live and work in perfect consistency day after day, week after week? What if like everything around us we’re meant to thrive, rest and hibernate in seasons? Woo woo I know but I…
I love reading but making time to do it doesn’t always feel easy with everything else going on in life. It has to be a real page turner to keep me interested else I quickly start thinking what else I could be doing…
I’m no expert when it comes to photography, I’m a self-taught amateur with a deep love of taking photos and a heck of a lot to learn. That doesn’t mean you should stop reading because I have nothing…
I never thought I was a creative person. I wasn’t very good at art when I was at school and for some reason, this is the creativity test we put ourselves through. The general consensus is good at art = creative…
It wasn’t long after I started this blog that I began dreaming bigger. Doing things that scare you has that effect. Once you conquer one fear and realise you’re capable of things that once frightened you into…