
A simplified home

A heartfelt step-by-step guide to discovering your own version of a simplified home, by Jessica Rose Williams.


Because home is so much more than where we live, it’s where the stories of our lives unfold.

Our home is where where we belong, where we spend time with loved ones, where our favourite mug in the entire world lives and to me, it should feel like a warm hug when you walk through the door.

A simplified home is like a solid foundation. It works for you not against you, lifts you up instead of bringing you down, is free from clutter and most importantly reflects your true personal style. It feels like the best version of you and everyone else who lives there. If the way you live is a sentence, your home is the book that bounds you.


“I read your book last night in full. It was written beautifully- simply and straight to the point but with so much information. It was like having a best friend guiding you. It made me want to start my journey clearing straight away. Like the saying goes – Home is where the heart is and I felt that you had written this book Jessica ,from the heart ,to help us make our homes our sanctuary. My journey started this morning with 2 bags already at the charity shop.”


A simplified home
Sale Price: £14.50 Original Price: £29.00
eBook collection
Sale Price: £34.50 Original Price: £69.00

I’ve been there.

I’ve gone from copying my mum’s interiors because I had no style of my own to decluttering 80% of what I own to curating a simple, organised cosy space I’m proud of in a cottage that feels like home. I’ve spent years dedicated to honing my skills when it comes to creating a simple home that’s free from clutter, is sustainable and functional but most importantly still cradles that feeling of home. 

A simplified home
Sale Price: £14.50 Original Price: £29.00
eBook collection
Sale Price: £34.50 Original Price: £69.00

Jessica Rose Williams invites you to fall in love with your home. The e-book guides you with care and compassion towards you finding your own style and it teaches you to discover how you want to FEEL in your own home, not just how you want it to look. You will learn to look at light differently, how to look at color differently, and how to tap into your own creativity. It’s inspiring and cohesive, and it will make you feel like you can actually build a home around yourself instead of hoping someone would just do it for you.”

GabrieLLe·Seattle, USA


In this eBook

A simplified home is a 128 page ebook designed to help you work out what a simpler home looks and feels like for you. It will help you discover and uncover your personal interior style so your home always feels like you, declutter each and every room before helping you organise and style every nook and cranny so that it not only looks beautiful but works hard for you.

This book is for anyone who wants to figure out what their interior style is, how to curate simple but beautiful spaces that are clutter free whist still feeling cosy, stylish but most importantly like you. It’s for anyone who values the feeling of home and aches for a simple, calm, functional space to spend their days in.

A simplified home
Sale Price: £14.50 Original Price: £29.00
eBook collection
Sale Price: £34.50 Original Price: £69.00

What you’ll get

  • An 128 page ebook / planner delivered straight to your inbox so you can get started straight away and work through it at your own pace

  • Gentle structure to help you work through all the necessary steps in one easy to digest place

  • Journaling prompts and creative exercises to get you thinking about what it is you value and how to incorporate simplicity in each room of your home

  • A home that works hard for you so you can spend more time relaxing and enjoying it

  • An abundance of tips and advice based on what I’ve learned about simpler more intentional interior design over the last 5 years

  • The ability to feel confident in the decisions you make about how your home should look and feel


What you’ll learn

  • How to discover and uncover your personal interior style and why this is so important when curating a simpler more meaningful home

  • How to mix and match patterns, furniture and colour

  • How to use colour psychology to create the feeling you’re craving

  • Which changes you should be making for the kind of home you want to be living in instead of the home you feel like you should be living in

  • How to declutter properly once and for all


“I have already been exploring your chapters on values and careers. It has sparked some pretty significant thoughts that had been lurking at the back of my mind. Your questions are bringing them to the fore. I know I’m going to enjoy using this intelligent and thoughtful book, so thank you.”

Jacqui · London, UK

A simplified home
Sale Price: £14.50 Original Price: £29.00
eBook collection
Sale Price: £34.50 Original Price: £69.00
how to declutter easily Jessica Rose Williams.jpg

This eBook is for you if…

  • You’re craving simplicity in your home but you’re feeling lost, overwhelmed or confused

  • You want a gentle structure to help you create simple systems that will help you simplify

  • You want to figure out your own version of simplicity

  • You’re ready to create a simpler more beautiful home based on your wants and needs

  • You want one place to focus on the home changes you’re ready to make

  • You’re ready to do the work and make the changes you’re craving


“Your mantra about a home not being perfect has helped me a lot these past few weeks. I know a home is not perfect – but moving into a place I bought and having to restore it… I have really struggled with feeling overwhelmed and wanting to do everything right from the start. I now call my apartment a ‘beautiful old lady’ and feel much more at ease in feeling like I’ve done her justice. Your book came at just the right time. Thank you!”


A simplified home
Sale Price: £14.50 Original Price: £29.00
eBook collection
Sale Price: £34.50 Original Price: £69.00

Frequently asked questions


Are there exercises to complete or is it more of a guide?

It’s a mix of exercises, thought provoking writing and guidance. It isn’t exercise heavy by any means but there’s a lot for you to try.

Yes. Bringing the outdoors in and nature in general features heavily throughout the whole book. At the end of each chapter there’s a checklist and I’ve outlined the best plants for that room. I share my favourite plant books at the end too.

Do you talk about colour and how to mix and match things?

I do! Mixing and matching colour, vintage with modern and pattern matching is all in there.

Is it only for houseowners? What if I’m a tenant and can’t paint walls or hang anything on?

It’s for everyone. The methods I’ve shared will work for renters, anyone living with parents or home owners.

I’m not looking to renovate my house. Is this ebook suitable?

It’s not a guide to renovating. I focus on working with what we’ve already got and make tiny tweaks to suit.

Do you think it’s equally useful for a house with kids?

I hope so. The guidance is universal but there’s no child specific advice in there as I’m child-free.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask away via Instagram where I’m @jessicarosewilliams or alternatively, through the contact page.

A simplified home
Sale Price: £14.50 Original Price: £29.00
eBook collection
Sale Price: £34.50 Original Price: £69.00